The Case for Data Classification

If you don’t know where your data is, or who is accessing it, you shouldn’t be sleeping soundly In many organisations, everything from personal customer data through to sensitive company secrets languish in obscure folders or network drives, waiting to be lost – or found by the wrong...

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Data Classification and the GDPR

GDPR is the biggest shake up of how we manage our data since the advent of the filing cabinet It confers a number of rights on individuals (the data owner) that companies are obliged to meet Rights such as the Right to be Forgotten, the Right to Erasure, and even The Right to Data Portability...

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Why Do We Want Data Classification?

In this post I am going to discuss some of the reasons why your organisation should be considering a data classification solution and the main solutions available to choose from End User Education and Awareness: Ever since God was a boy we have handled items differently when they have been...

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Securing the Journey of Your Data
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