Data Residency & Custom Conditions

As it stands, Data Classification is a great way to help organisations manage their data It enables IT and Compliance teams to move from a big set of unstructured unlabelled and unidentifiable content to a world where items can be catalogued by meta-data tags The benefits of this are many: Data...

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Privacy Shield

During the midst of a global pandemic, the European Court of Justice ripped up privacy laws which governed the transfer of European Union (EU) citizen personal data to 3,000 self-certified service providers in the United States (US), unsurprisingly including the likes of Amazon, IBM, Microsoft...

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Data Classification in 2020

It is fair to say no one predicted 2020 playing out the way it has Change has been enforced across all walks of our daily lives, and no more so than in the office, or the home office as has been adopted for most of us Organisations with more traditional outlooks on the working environment or...

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Securing the Journey of Your Data
A Free Advisory Paper


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