DLP: Do not pass go, do not collect £200

The absolute best way of securing information or machines holding information is to isolate them Categorically disconnect them from other machines, lock them away, air gapped networks, zoned off rooms and all that stuff This is not a realistic possibility, we are more connected than ever...

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Data Classification: Just the tip of the iceberg?

There is no denying it, implementing a Data Classification (DC) solution into your environment will do wonders for your cyber security posture Any one of the recent blogs HANDD have published sing the virtues of how giving an identity to your data can tighten your security and make controlling...

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What is Data Classification?

What is Data Classification It sounds like a dumb question for the owner of a data classification blog, right But it’s not as simple as it sounds! There are many vendors out there who sell Data Classification software, or at least software which claims to provide Data Classification abilities...

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Securing the Journey of Your Data
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